What Does a Sugar Glider Eat?

Sugar gliders are small marsupials that eat a variety of insects, fruits, meat, commercial foods and vegetables. They are native to Australia and New Guinea, but they are also popular exotic pets worldwide.

Their diets are difficult to mimic in captivity, but if you’re willing to put a little effort into their feeding, then there’s no reason why they can’t thrive in your home. What Do Sugar Gliders Eat In Captivity?

Fruits and Vegetables

Sugar gliders are omnivorous and eat many different types of fruits and vegetables. These include carrots, sweet potatoes, bananas, cantaloupe, figs, strawberries, pears, grapes, oranges, mangoes, papayas, and more.

Fruits and vegetables should make up approximately 25% of your sugar glider’s diet. Try to offer a variety of fruits and veggies to ensure that they are getting a balanced and healthy diet.

Generally, each sugar glider should have a tablespoon of fruit and vegetable every night. This is an easy way to ensure that they are getting a variety of nutrients in their diets.

Vegetables with high levels of oxalates should be avoided because they can interfere with calcium absorption. Typical safe vegetable options are greens, kale, spinach, broccoli, collard greens, and beets.


Sugar gliders eat a variety of foods including meat, insects, fruits, vegetables and other commercial food items. They also eat small vertebrates such as snakes, mice and birds.

In the wild, Sugar gliders eat a diet that is made up of 75% fruit and 25% animal protein. Their diet is also enriched with nectar.

Gliders also eat a variety of plants and grasses, and they can find their own food by gliding through tree branches. They use their gliding membrane, which is found between their wrists and ankles, to propel themselves.

Their natural diet includes a mixture of berries, citrus fruits, melon, pears, apples, and grapefruit. They can also eat vegetables such as carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, sprouts, asparagus, lettuce and sweet peppers.


Eggs are a great source of protein for sugar gliders, but should only be given sparingly. They are also high in fat, which can lead to obesity and other health issues for sugar gliders.

Gliders eat a wide variety of foods in the wild, including fruit, vegetables, insects, nuts and fungi. In captivity, it is best to provide a combination of these ingredients to give them the nutrients they need.

Vegetables and fruits should make up the majority of a sugar glider’s diet. Carrots, spinach and lettuce are good options to include in their diet.

Live Insects

When sugar gliders are in the wild, they eat a variety of foods that include gum (polysaccharides produced by damaged trees), sap, honeydew (a sweet, sticky substance secreted by a variety of insects), pollen, and manna.

They also eat a number of insect larvae. These can include mealworms, crickets, and wax worms.

While they are a great treat for gliders, it is best to feed them only a few at a time and cut them into small pieces. Otherwise, they may become bored and eat the leftover food, which can cause them to go off their diet altogether.

Ideally, the glider should be given a buffet style diet that includes a mix of fruits and vegetables, meats, and insect protein sources. They should rotate between these diets to prevent food aversions and ensure that they get the nutrients they need.


Sugar gliders love nuts and they are a healthy treat for them. They are a great source of protein and they are also rich in Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Copper, and Magnesium.

The key is to give your glider small amounts at a time and always make sure they are roasted and unsalted. It is also important to store the nuts properly so they do not become rancid.

They also enjoy a variety of vegetables, including broccoli greens and Chinese cabbage. Vegetables are a good source of protein and calcium for your glider. please visit here sugarglider.website for more information.